4. Solution Management

4. Solution Management

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This chapter introduces how to create, edit, delete, import, export and publish solutions.

Creating Solutions

Get the screen size before creating solutions.
Step 1 Click New.
Step 2 Enter the solution name, screen width and height, and then click OK. The editing page
of the solution appears, as shown in Figure 4-1. Each area of the page is explained in
Table 4-1.
Figure 4-1 Editing page of a solution

Table 4-1 Description of the editing page of a solution

SunX Pro supports multiple types of media, as described in Table 4-2.

Step 3 After the solution is edited, click to save.

Editing Solutions

In the solution list, select a solution and click Edit to enter the editing page.

Deleting Solutions

In the solution list, select a solution and click Delete.

Importing Solutions

Step 1 Click Import.
Step 2 In the pop-up dialog box, click to select the file path.
Step 3 Click Next.
Step 4 When Progress shows 100%, click Done.

Exporting Solutions

Only the solutions that contain media can be exported.

Step 1 In the solution list, perform any of the following operations.

  • Exporting a single solution: Click  corresponding to the target solution.
  • Exporting solutions in batch: Select multiple solutions and click Export.

Step 2 In the pop-up dialog box, click to select the file path.
Step 3 Click Export.
Step 4 When Progress shows 100%, click Next.
Step 5 Select the play mode and solution.

  • Plug and play: As soon as the USB drive that stores the solution is inserted into
    the X series, the solution will be played. During playing, the USB drive cannot be
  • Copy and play: After the solution that is stored in the USB drive is copied to the
    X series, the solution will be played. During playing, the USB drive can be removed.

Step 6 Click OK.
Step 7 Enter the X series login password and click OK. If you click Skip, the X series will not identify the file.

After the USB drive that stores the solution is inserted into the X series, the solution
will be played only if the passwords match.

Publishing Solutions

  • A solution can be published after media are added to the solution.
  • Only one solution can be sent to terminals each time.
  • One solution can be sent to multiple terminals simultaneously.

Step 1 Select a solution in the solution list and click Publish, or click next to the solution information.
Step 2 Click Refresh in the Publish solution dialog box to show the information of terminals which are logged in.
Step 3 Select one or more terminals and click Publish.
Step 4 When Progress shows 100%, click Done.